Her name is Maryam.
She is crippled, on braces.
She cuts her own hair. 

It isn't necessary 
To sic those women on her -
She is fine, and none of their business!

In the honeyed light
That falls between those cedars,
Dappling the earth beneath...

This is Lebanon. 
You will not find her.
Her happiness exudes

From her pores
Like the rays from a lamp
To all of us who thought 

We had lost joy.
She is an interior creature, Maryam.
For in your house

After all does every woman wear code?
So it is with her,
Under their roof.

She is a gem, who has even seen 
Will Way in his own country bedroom -
Why, once, she told him, "Shukraan," there in California!


[NOTE: I am a fraudand an imposter en lesaffaires du troisome l'oeil, now in 2022 AD, when I am such a schlub under an American yoke, and she is a third eye fwiend.)


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