Travis Bickle, you look so fine
In that tank top that I
Would lick your salt from it.

"You in the wife-beater," indeed!
Why, I ought to kick thar sonofabitch in the shins!
You don't have to like that I giggle

At your clutch of cut Black Eyed Susan.
If you don't climb Jacob's ladder
But rather ascend with me, well...

My liver, my liver
Is a lean green lover!
Oh, who is he I spy

In the head on patrol
Smiling evilly as he goes by,
Repeatedly, yet sane over and over again.

Are you what smote me as a child?
In 1988 a voice boomed my name aloud to me,
A woodblock print cloud heralding your birth. 

This, Marine, is my bliss and mirth:
It is the gleam in your eye -
A gleam unstinting, a true heart's shine...

[NOTE: This is a sibling poem to the earlier VOICES AND SHADOWS, an aw-shucks love poem if ever I write such. True love is yucky and gives you cooties, and that's a clinical diagnosis that Dr. Eichelberger himself can somehow bank on (villainy *doesn't* pay, it would appear 🤭)]


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