Written for friend Dennis McAllister of Crouch End, London, England; et alia...

To say that we go back like Similac
Is to be hella tight in the San Francisco Bay Area idiom;

It means of course that the subjects are intimate 
And have been familiar with each other for years.

Thrown clay cliché, mass produced, fired in a kiln!
Hoary, hackneyed and tired might be the lists:

Bullet point columns of concrete things. 
I guess I'm just a cheap date, easily entertained -

Unstrange. For I am early Alanis. 
Or maybe I'm Denis Leary, all

Name-drop and juxtaposition-centered punchline.
There are formulae, and then there are formulae, including even recipes for disaster...

Break a leg, player! Thespians are, yes,
Shitty people who don't seem to improve

The quality of their character much upon getting wise
To their own shtick. Such is acting!


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